White-breasted Nuthtach
   (click on Thumbnails for larger images)

in flight, October 2, 2005 in the pine tree (March 2005) in the pine tree (March 2005) from April from April
they love the open feeder they love the open feeder with a Goldfinch and a Downy Woodpecker, Oct. 2, 2005 with a Goldfinch and a Downy
from late August from late August headfirst down a tree, September 18 2005 headfirst down a tree in the pine tree (March 2005) in our backyard more from last winter more from last winter
in our backyard making his move he's got his seed he's got his seed with a seed in the beak (March 2005) with a seed in the beak (March 2005) near one of the thistle feeders near one of the thistle feeders

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